CS Lewis Quotes

Sunday, September 7, 2008

What was I thinking??

I'm starting to question my sanity. I ask myself: "What kind of mother are you??" "What self-respecting mother would allow this?!" Why do I ask myself these questions and do I always talk to myself? Yes, I always talk to myself...it assures that I will have an intelligent conversation with a (mostly) rational adult and I usually agree with me. Why am I asking this question? Here, let me show you.....

Yes, that is a mouse in a mason jar. Yesterday, Sirius was coming up the stairs, stopped, then called out "Come here, there's some kind of animal in our house." We went to look and there on the landing was this cute, little mouse. A mouse in my house. I'm pretty sure he was on some sort of reconnaissance mission and obviously failed. Sam caught it and convinced me that we should keep it over the weekend so he can take it to school on Monday. (He wants to feed the it to the snake in his science class). Me, being the most awesome and tolerant mother EVER, agreed. What was I thinking?! Why would I allow a mouse to stay in my house!!! I have to admit that part of me is wondering how many friends this mouse has and where are they? I did make Joe go buy some mouse poison which will be placed carefully and strategically around the house just in case. But I'm pretty sure that this mouse was acting alone. Please don't try to convince me otherwise.....I really don't want to know!


diane said...

You are seriously awesome and what were you thinking?!
We gained two pet mice once when the school snake we watched during break wouldn't eat them.

Annemarie said...

You are such a nice mom. I don't feel one bit sorry for that mouse...ick.

Jenna said...

The other day I was home alone & I heard rustling in the cupboard & totally freaked out! I thought that I heard a mouse & was paralyzed with fear over a stupid little furry creature. Luckily, it was just the chip bag folded wrong & making noises while I hit the cupboard.

You are truly an awesome mom. Way more awesome than I.

Anonymous said...

You ARE the awesomest mom ever. Mice are yuck!! Someone told me that hamsters and mice belong to the same family. I'm sure this is a vicious lie. Probably started by a mouse.

The Family Rasheed said...

Yuck a mouse! You are not just an awesome mom, but a fearless one, too!

Polly said...

When I was little my dad caught a bat in the house and Matt took it to school in a peanut butter jar for show and tell, he ended up selling it to another boy in his class and then my mom got a phone call from the school that Matt was in trouble...
I would've let them keep the mouse also, but made them leave it in the garage or outside because I don't want to see it!