CS Lewis Quotes

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


(ignore the date stamp, my camera reset when I changed the batteries!)

It's tough to be a kid these days. I've determined that the word Sirius and Sabian hear most around here lately is: "Don't!".

Here are some of our "Don't's"


.....hit your brother!

.....slam that door!

.....pee in the backyard!

.....smear your popsicle on the backdoor (window, house or each other!)

.....touch that computer!

.....ever, ever go into Sam & Peter's room!

.....touch my stuff!

.....turn that channel!

.....push that button!

.....treat your brother that way!

.....talk like that to me! (or your mother, or Sam, or Peter, or, or, or)

.....stick your hand in your milk!

.....blow bubbles in your milk.

.....be afraid of wasps, they won't bother you!

.....go off the grass.

.....go near the dog!

.....open that fridge!

.....push that chair up to the counter!

.....climb onto the counter!

.....scare me like that!

.....spoil your dinner.

Yes, they hear a LOT of "don't". Yet, they keep on smiling. And on any given day, if you ask them how they're doing, the reply is: "Great!!" If only I could be more like them when things don't go my way. Roll with the punches and keep on smiling. Because after all, life is GREAT!!


Anonymous said...

Life IS great and you are a GREAT grandma. Very cute boys.

Jenna said...

Cute kids! Have you read "No, David!" It's very appropriate & hilarious.

Mary said...

Hahaha, I say don't all the time to them. That's because they need to hear it! But at least we say "okay" every once in awhile. ;)

Anonymous said...

You could always change it up a bit. Maybe "Stop that", "you want minutes?", "you're on thin ice", "I'm counting to three", Does someone want to go to bed early?" and my favorite..."I'm getting the BELT!"

diane said...

Don't stop posting pictures of those cute boys!

The Family Rasheed said...

I don't know how the kids have such a great outlook on life! If I heard No! and Don't! so often I wouldn't be so happy.