CS Lewis Quotes

Monday, June 30, 2008

Parenting Styles.......

After 25+ years of parenting, I still haven't figured it out. My parenting style ranges from being the 'fun' parent to being a drill sargeant. There really has never been much middle ground. I'm a 'nice guy' until something just pushes me over the edge and then I swing back to 'drill sargeant'. That works until I just get tired of being the bad guy, I feel sorry for my kids, so I let up and go easy on them again. Unfortunately for them, I feel the drill sargeant coming on.....

I don't ask much, I really don't. I mean, if I'm going to be the 'cool' mom and let you bring food to the basement while you watch t.v., is it too much to ask that you bring the dishes up when you're finished? I've been missing 3 dinner plates for about a week now. I thought maybe they were in someone's bedroom, but no, they're downstairs. A while back (my very first post, in fact) I made a list of things that I found under the stove while I was sweeping. It was a fairly substantial list. I think it's time for another list. It's called:

What I found when I made the mistake of entering the basement:

3 dinner plates
5 cups
1 bowl & spoon
10 IBC bottles
9 water bottles (some empty, some not)
1 soda can
6 popsicle wrappers
8 socks (various sizes, none match)
1 pair sweat pants
1 sleeping bag (unrolled)
3 pillows
1 pair yellow rain boots
1 mirror
1 zune (think: Ipod)
1 hacksaw (I am NOT kidding!)
1 measuring tape
1 stress ball
2 towels
3 mexican blankets
1 roll duct tape
1 pen
1 pencil
2 cans air freshener

All of this was either on the floor or on the coffee table, mostly on the floor. Now I know that this room was clean just two weeks ago. We had company and they stayed downstairs. Company is also why there is a sleeping bag, pillows, sheets and blankets down there. I have been asking for the kids to clean up down there. "Hey, (insert name), roll up that sleeping bag and put it away, (or the pillows, or the blankets) will you?" "Sure mom, no problem!"
Apparently......there is a problem.
I know it's summer break, I know kids need time to be kids, relax, chill out, veg in front of the t.v. and video games. But summer break does not mean a break from ALL responsibilities!! Bring up your dishes or don't eat downstairs!! Throw your trash in the trashcan!! (Yes, I know it's filled to overflowing, SO EMPTY IT!!) If you use the tools (a hacksaw???) then put them away, too! Clean up after yourself!!
So....my kids will now be subjected to 'Drill Sargeant' mom for a while. I've already taken all the controllers for all the video games. T.V. privileges will be next if chores don't start getting done. Not sure how long it will last this time....it could be a while.


Anonymous said...

Drill Sargeant? I just can't see you in one of those "Smokey the Bear" hats. I say you should make them move to a tent in the back yard!

Mary said...

I told you that's where the plates were. Also: I have to deal with it as well! I cleaned up for my party, I cleaned up for jenny and laura every single time they come, and do you think I'm the one who makes the basement messy? No sireee, that would be those three boys who make that their little snack room. They're the ones making a mess in my nice clean living room, and I'm tired of them never cleaning up after themselves!! Gosh darnit, I wish they would at least try to help out! I mean, is it too much for me to ask that they clean up after themselves?? You know I keep trying to ban food from the downstairs, but as long as they keep buying it, I can't stop them from going wherever they want with it! They let a bug in my room the other night!! A BUG!! It flew into my room and all the boys were like "oh oh, close the door!" EXCUSE ME!!! I yelled at them in panic to not close it, but do they listen?? NO!! Peter closed the bug in my room!! I was up until one trying to find it and get it out!! I almost didn't get any sleep worryig about it. And they all just laughed about it!! GAW! I honestly can't stand them being downstairs anymore. I can't. They mess up everything.

Anonymous said...

WOW!! sounds like it is time for some drastic Changes!!! and Lizzie I think you would look cute in the hat! But I think you really just need a bull whip! that might open some eyes!!
Mary have you gotten a job yet?
luv you all xoj
p.s. was there anything in the air freshener cans? so at least it did not stink down there!!

diane said...

You go Drill Sargeant mom! There's always military school.

Jenna said...

I read about a family that was sick of the dish problem. Each kid got to decorate a plate as "a fun family project." Then, all other dishes were GONE. When the kids were ready to eat, they had to use their clean plate or they didn't get to eat. I know at least one of my children would steal his younger brothers' plates though.

It's hard to imagine cleaning when I'm on vacation. I'm sure re-entry will be the pits.

Anonymous said...

A messy house is usually a sign of a happy family. The hat would probably only get laughs from your boys.

(I think Mary needs a vacation...)

The Family Rasheed said...

I am cracking up right now because this is exactly my life story!!!!!