CS Lewis Quotes

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Confessions of a Lurker.....

I've addressed in past posts my current addiction to blogs. Well, I'm here today to 'come out of the closet' (so to speak!) I am a blog lurker. There...I've said it. I'm no longer content to enjoy/view just the blogs of people that I actually know. No, now I've branched out to the blogs of complete strangers! Some of them I come by through the blogs of people that I do know, and others I just 'come across' in my desperate search to feed my addiction. I bring this up in an attempt to drag others down to my pitiful level by sharing these interesting blogs. My hope is that you will become as pitiful as I, because you know what they say: Misery loves company! Actually, I'm not miserable, I'm quite content in my blog addiction. I mean, it could be worse. I could be addicted to soap operas, or celebrity gossip, or trashy magazines, or any number of terrible vices. Comparatively speaking, my addiction is pretty tame. (And in case my Bishop ever reads this: "Hi, Bishop, you realize that I'm just kidding about the whole 'addiction' thing, right?? I don't really HAVE to read blogs, I just enjoy it. I can quit anytime I want, really."

So here are some of my current 'lurking sites': one of my favorites is this one . This woman is absolutely hilarious, posts often enough to feed my addiction, and I guess she's not a perfect stranger, because, as they say on Facebook, we have at least 1 friend in common! From her blog, I've now started going to this one. This is my newest 'lurk' spot. I've only just discovered it, but so far, I'm really enjoying it. One that I've been watching for a while is this one. A stay at home dad of 22 month old triplets. I don't know how he finds time to post, but he does a great job.

So, there you have it. I'm not sure what the next step is the the blogaholic 12 step program, but I've competed step 1...I've confessed to my addiction. So to all of you who share this addiction...keep reading, and have fun! It could be so much worse!


The Family Rasheed said...

I also like the stay at home dad one! It's nice to have a man's perspective of childrearing. Especially when it comes from a man who actually does most of the rearing!

p.s. please note that Aqeel is a wonderful dad and helps a lot more than I really need him too!

diane said...

Soap Operas and celebrity gossip are my favorite sins. Followed by trashy magazines at the nail salon.
I met Celia and Jessica at Blogapalooza in May. BP is a dinner party in conjunction with Women's Conference at BYU. You should join us next year. Good times!

Mary said...

Ohhh, nice. Great job admitting it. I'm very proud of you. Next step is maybe an intervention? ;) just kidding. I'd never do that to you.

MARCIE said...

Try this one Liz: http://kimsbigquiltingadventure.blogspot.com/ My crazy friend Kim. She writes every day, which annoys me. Because I can't keep up!