CS Lewis Quotes

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Family Blog????

So I had this idea sometime in the middle of the night, and like most ideas that come to me when I'm half asleep, I'm not sure yet if it's a great idea, or a ridiculous, inconceivable one. So, I decided that I would just 'blog' it, and see what kind of a response I get. (this could also be either a brilliant idea or a really bad idea depending on the responses!)

So, here goes....we all love to read blogs. I know I do. In fact, I may have an addiction. I may need to join some therapy group (Bloggers anonymous??) I read several blogs a day (I know....get a life!) and get a little miffed when one that I am particularly interested in hasn't updated for a while. I especially enjoy reading 'family' blogs. I love to read Mary's blog, for example, even though we live in the same house, her blog gives me new insight's into her ideas and convictions. I love to read Marcie's blog, because I get to feel a little more like we're 'keeping in touch', and I get to see her awesome quilts and get some ideas for projects that I would like to do 'someday'. I love to read Kati's blog (sorry, no link) but she hasn't updated since November!! (hint, hint!) And lately, I have been enjoying Polly's blog. I feel like I have gotten to know her family a little better, and have loved all the pics that she posts. So....on to the idea. Being that it's hard to blog often enough to keep everyone happy, and being that we really do want to keep in touch, but we're busy, busy, busy, I propose a Patch Family Blog. One that we could all post to, add pics to, have a list of birthdays, whatever. That way, we could keep in touch without having to blog all the time. There would be plenty to read, we could still keep our own personal blogs, but we would be able to bond more. So, good idea? Bad idea? Yes, I would participate! No, you'll never catch me blogging!! Please let me know what you think. I think it would be fun. I will set it up (hopefully Becky would help since she's SO much better at this than I am!) I just need to know what everyone thinks. Last one in is a rotten egg!!!


Mary said...

If the last one in is a rotten egg, what is the first one in? A fresh egg? I don't like raw eggs that much. Fresh or rotten. Can I be scrambled? Or maybe over-easy. That'd be nice. And what if your not technically a Patch, but have descended from the ranks?? What then? Are we hybrids allowed to participate?

Liz said...

You, Mary, are a 'good egg'! And yes, you can play. Anyone who can trace back to Gene and Eleanor is invited and encouraged!!

Anonymous said...

I think it's a good idea!
luv you xo j

Anonymous said...

The family that blogs together
slogs together?
I would read and occasionally post.

The Family Rasheed said...

Liz - that's great idea for your family. I have done it with ours and while not everyone blogs we can all contribute or some of them just email me stuff to post. It's been fun for us. Good luck with yours!

Vijay said...

Hi I came over from Mary's blog. One of her new blog friends. Mary's 'boy' Dr.Anonymous had set up 'Blogaholics Anonymous' a while ago. We even had a separate group blog with irregular meetings. It's defunct now. We could revive it though. If Mary asked him ;)