CS Lewis Quotes

Friday, June 27, 2008

Okay, I'll Play!

I have been officially 'tagged' by my friend, Jenna, so here goes:

Ten years ago I was: living in Atlanta. Six kids between 5 and 16. Eleanor was working part time at Little Caesar's. Laura playing soccer non-stop, Jacob in gymnastics, Mary ruled the neighborhood with her posse of friends, Sam had just finished Kindergarten and Peter was getting ready to start. Summer was filled with trips to Powder Springs Pool, the Atlanta Zoo, the movies, the park, Stone Mountain, Six Flags, and the occasional Braves game.

Five things on today's "to do list': Did you say '5'? I wish for a day when there were only 5 things on my to do list! Okay, wash the sheets & quilt from my bed, help Peter finish (hopefully) his Eagle Scout paperwork, watch the NCIS marathon (I can wish, can't I!), vacuum the upstairs hall, work with Sam and Peter on their summer school packets, watch Sirius & Sabian (Eleanor worked last night and didn't get in until 4:30 A.M.), and maybe take the kids to a movie later. ('Kung Fu Panda' or 'Wall-E', hard to choose!)

I enjoy: a good book, road trips, family movie night, a finished project, classic rock and watching World Cup Soccer.

I have lived in: Minnesota, Utah, Georgia, Tennessee and South Carolina.

I tag: Laura & Jennie (separate entries, please) and Cherie. (I would tag my brother, Peter, but he is Soooooo last year and doesn't have a blog yet)


Jenna said...

You are one busy lady! Thanks for playing. Off to pack...

Anonymous said...

what's a blog?

Mary said...

That's right I ruled the hood! I was the boss of that hood. I would totally own that hood now if we hadn't moved! Because everyone knows that I was always The Leader. I love being the leader.

And le gasp! I wish you had taken us to a movie!! I want to see both of those!! Gah, now I know what I could've been doing, I want to do it! Thanks for letting me know what I'm missing out on!