CS Lewis Quotes

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

High Adventure Update...

Joe, Sam and Peter left EARLY (3:45) Tuesday morning to head out for a High Adventure activity with the scout troop from church. The plan was: Tuesday - drive to West Virginia, set up camp, bike on the trail (approx. 33 miles.) Wed - finish the bike trail (another 50 miles) then move to a new camp site to prepare for white water rafting on Thursday. Friday is a free day, Saturday come home. There are probably 14-15 boys and 4 adults. So Joe calls me last night and tells me that Peter got lost. From his tone I can tell that Peter has been found again, but he didn't tell me that at first. The bike trail they are on is an old railroad track that has been turned into a trail. Apparently, Peter and one of the leaders took a wrong turn (on a railroad track???) and continued on for about 5 miles before either coming to the 'end of the line' or realizing the error of their ways and turning around to go back 5 miles and rejoin the group on the main trail. So while everyone else went 33 miles yesterday, Peter went at least 43!! And the plan is to do 50 today!! He will either be in great shape when he gets home, or he'll be exhausted! I'm going with exhausted. He'll probably sleep for 3 days. I guess that's why it's called an 'Adventure'!!


Jenna said...

I for one am very, very glad that Peter made it back to the group!!! Hopefully they have fun & don't run out of food before the trip is over.

The Family Rasheed said...

That sounds a bit scary, but fun to be in the outdoors. I found your blog page on Jenna's page. I wanted to say thanks for your uplifting words after relief society last Sunday. This experience has really let me know who in the ward is there for me and it has helped me a lot! Thanks again! Alisa

Anonymous said...

I'm thankful your husband went. I hope they all had a good time. I can't wait to hear all about it.

Jenna said...

Remind me tomorrow & I will post pictures. Lunch was beyond wonderful. We survived! Now I get to do it again.

diane said...

Summer always reminds me of girl's camp. Remember Grape Crush and pretzles?
Did you hear about Scott?
My email is diane.naylor@hotmail.com