CS Lewis Quotes

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

To an 'old' friend....

I am front row, 2nd from right, Julie is in the yellow dress in the back row.

For Julie:

Happy Birthday, Jules!! I've been waiting for you here at 50 for 3 1/2 weeks now, and I have to say: Come on in! The water's fine! I've been thinking about us a lot of late. And one of my thoughts has been that while you're certainly not my oldest friend, you are undoubtedly my 'oldest' friend!! For those of you who may confused by this, let me clarify.....I have friends who are older than 50 (you know who you are!) but I don't have anyone that I've been friends with as long as Julie! (What is it, Julie, almost 47 years?!)
So in honor of your birthday, I propose a game of 'do you remember'? Hopefully, our memories are still pretty much intact!

Remember birthday cakes from the 'Excelo Bakery'?

Remember 'Marching to Australia'?

Remember the wishing rock?

Remember the old Minneapolis Chapel where we were baptized?

Remember carameled onions? (I'll bet Tommy Russell does!)

Remember the 'bird's eye view place'?

Remember Girl's Camp?

Remember Road Shows?

Remember being stuck at church and huddling together in the furnace room during the tornado watch?

Remember the sleep-overs, the sledding, the lake house, riding bikes, skipping rope, Saturday matinees (Therese spilled the entire box of 'Good & Plenty'), the good times, the bad times, the fights, the adventures?? I remember them all. And wish you lots of years ahead to make lots more memories.

So Happy Birthday, my friend. Welcome to 50!


Anonymous said...

Dear "Oldest but not Oldest" friend-
YES! I remember them all! Thank you for the wonderful birthday blog, and for the memories. Life is good, and being 50 isn't so bad. It's been coming on so gradually that I can hardly tell the difference!

Thank you, again, for the birthday wishes. What a wonderful surprise.

Love, Julie

Mary said...

Wow! Gosh, momma, I guess this means that you did have a life before I came here!

laura n' jen said...

Lizzie can you name all the other kids in the pic? Wow that is very cool that you and Julie are still friends & stay in touch after so many move & yrs! I do not have any friends from that long ago... Happy Birthday Julie!

Jenna said...

This is such a sweet picture! I haven't known anyone for that many years. My oldest friend is from the 7th grade. My nice mother took me out of The Mean Lady's class & put me in with Mr. Crumbaugh (cool guy on campus) & I met my best buddy Wendy.

BTW TAG! I tagged you over at my blog.

Anonymous said...

I left a comment yesterday. At least I thought I did. These new fangled computer things are really irritating.

Happy Birthday to my little sister's BFF!!!

MARCIE said...

Ha! I remember much of that also! How funny! Love your blog Lizzie!

diane said...

That is so cool that you girls keep in touch. I'm not good at that...until the blog!