CS Lewis Quotes

Saturday, May 31, 2008

50.....How did THAT happen????

It's true....I am 50. (No, Dad, not 29 like you were for so many years!) While I don't really care a whole lot about being 50, I guess it is a time for reflection. Part of me says: "where did the time go?" and part of me wants to know: "what do I have to show for it?" I kind of thought life would be different at 50. That I would be more 'together', or 'established', or that I would have my whole life figured out by now. Maybe everyone feels that way, maybe we never get it figured out....maybe that's the point. We are ever changing, growing, evolving, becoming, being shaped by our life experience and the people around us to grow into the person Heavenly Father needs us to be at the time. And while we are ever changing, we are constant. Constant in our love for Him, for our families, our friends, the gospel. I guess the French critic, Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr, said it best: "The more things change, the more they remain the same."


Jenna said...

OK - I should be finding socks for Jared! But I have to stop & wish you happy birthday!!!!!!!!

Love the little girl picture!

Mary said...

50 is half a century. Congrats for making it! It's an acomplishment. And don't worry, you're not old. 80 year olds are old. So I guess that means when I'm 50, you'll be old. I love you so much!

Polly said...

Happy Birthday Liz!? It is fun to check out your blog and to have you looking at ours! Love you!!

MARCIE said...

Liz, I just recently discovered that you have a blog! Very nice! You have a very nice way with words, I am enjoying this! I already told you Happy BD, but didn't realize it was 5-0! I think it is a myth that people figure life out. Just roll with it! If you keep smiling you are doing better than most!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday (a little late). Being 50 has made you very wise.

Anonymous said...

I always thought I knew everything about my sister. I did not know she was a philosopher and a poet (or that she just turned 50). Hell, that means I'm 52 - I just counted. I'm not sure why, but I was under the impression I was 51. I'm a bad, bad brother.
Happy Five-O Sis!