CS Lewis Quotes

Saturday, May 17, 2008


Why is it that I'm exhausted by 3 every afternoon, yet wide awake at 4:30 on a Saturday morning?? I used to be able to sleep in (before I had children) but now, here we are on a perfectly good 'sleep-in' day (I could have slept till at least 6:30 before I have to get the boys up for their bike ride!) and I'm wide awake. I tried to go back to sleep, but no go. Although I did learn something interesting this morning....I am in the livingroom on the computer, I heard Sabian get up about 20 minutes ago. He padded down the hall to my room, opened the door, and went in. When he discovered that I wasn't in there, he came back out and went to his mother's room! Interesting that I was his first choice. But I'm glad he ended up with his mom.

1 comment:

Jenna said...

I am wondering the same thing ... why am I exhausted in the afternoon & can't fall asleep at 10:30 when I am supposed to be tired? I hate staying awake.

Last night I went to sleep early and was rewarded by a series of nightmares. I finally had a dream about holding someone's baby in church & then I finally slept peacefully.