CS Lewis Quotes

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Stalwart?? Who me????

So there's this older couple in our ward. They're fairly new to the ward (a few months). I'd never really spoken to them much except to say 'hello' in passing. Then I had the opportunity to sit and talk with them at some ward function a couple of weeks ago. As we were getting to know one another a little bit, the woman said to me "I knew you were a stalwart member, I see you at all the meeting and activities, and it seems like you're involved in just about everything." Now, it's true, I am involved in lots of things. I have a Cub Scout calling, and a Boy Scout calling, and I do stay busy with church, but 'stalwart'? I guess I'd never thought of it like that before. As far as I'm concerned, I'm just trying to keep my head above water, and if I'm where I'm supposed to be (usually at a church function!) and doing what I'm supposed to be doing (also usually a church responsibility!) it makes it that much easier to stay afloat! So maybe I am 'stalwart'. Out of all the things I've been called over the course of my (almost) 50 years......that's certainly one of the nicest. I'll take it.


Jenna said...

Hopefully the bold html shows up on #2 & #3! I'd say you're stalwart - you do what you need to do & are uncompromising in your dedication to the truth.

From the folks at dictionary.com:
1.strongly and stoutly built; sturdy and robust.
2.strong and brave; valiant: a stalwart knight.
3.firm, steadfast, or uncompromising
4.a physically stalwart person.
5.a steadfast or uncompromising partisan

Liz said...

Wow!! Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, you are stalwart. Not only do you do what you should but I've never heard you complain. So I would have to add cheerful--cheerfully stalwart. I like that. Are you really almost 50?

Liz said...

Thanks, Cherie (at least you didn't call me 'robust' like Jenna!) And yes, 50 is FAST approaching!!

Anonymous said...

Reality check. The word stalwart has the word WART in it. There may be a wart on the "never complains" commentary.

The sister I know, does occasionally whine - but she deserves to! I don't know how she does what she does without caffeine! xoxox!

Liz said...

How thankful I am for a brother to keep me humble!! Thanks, Pete, I don't know what I'd do without you!

Jenna said...

I did not mean to accuse you of being robust. If I could, I would have clarified my position. (... like butter?)

Anonymous said...

Weren't we blessed to have a mom that showed us the way? Now it is our turn and hopefully our kids will thank us for it someday. Good going little sis!

Mary said...

I love you more than words can say and you are steadfast, brave and valient! And the one who is always willing to hold my hand through the hard times. Even if I do squeeze extra tight like the other day at the movie.