CS Lewis Quotes

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Last Days.....Armbruster Style

It seems like we've had a lot of 'last days' lately.....

Eleanor and Mary had their 'last day' of school the first part of May. They are both taking the summer off, and Mary will probably take off fall semester, too, so she can work and save money. Our plan is that she goes to BYU Idaho in January.

Sam and Peter had their 'last day' of seminary on May 16th. I was a great year for them. Sr. Terry is such an awesome teacher! I'm glad that they've had the opportunity to learn from her. I hope she continues to teach seminary (at least until they graduate!)

Sam and Peter's 'last day' of school was May 22nd. I guess it was an okay school year. Great as far as friends go, okay as far as academics, but we're all glad it's done. I know I was tired of homework every night! Peter is most likely switching schools next year. He wants to go to Woodmont. That's fine with me. Sam wants to stay where he is though, also fine with me. At this age, I tell them to pray about such decisions, and let me know what they decide. I trust them to choose the right path for themselves.

Sirius had his 'last day' of school on Friday last week. He had a great year!! He came out of 4K reading a little bit, made lots of new friends, and is ready for Kindergarten next year. He also had an end-of-year party that was pretty fun.

Joe's 'last day' of work is tomorrow. Still no job, but he has a couple of 'irons in the fire'. One is Atlanta (think traffic!), the other in Asheville. He has interviewed with both, and now we're just waiting to hear something. He sends out resumes every day, everywhere in the country. I could tell that he was getting desperate when he told me that he applied for a job in Minnesota!! He's still thawing out from when we lived there before (1984-85) I think we're entering 'The Fourth Watch". Which must mean that this trial is almost over! (I could be terribly wrong, but let's hope not!)

My 'last days'......to send kids out the door for seminary and school, to yell at kids about homework and projects that are due, my last day to send my husband off to work. My last day of sanity? Let's just say, it could be a LONG summer!


Jenna said...

Do you remember the Michael Wilcox talk at TOFW a few years ago? He talked about our God being a "fourth watch God". I am grateful for that.

I hope that the job comes around soon! ... for your finances & your sanity ... and that summer breezes quickly by!

Anonymous said...

I try to focus on "firsts" because "lasts" make me cry. It's the first day of summer--the first day of no homework--the first day of no more highschool--the first day of college--the first day of sleeping in. Oh wait--I think I slipped to my own life.

I think you are great. And sanity is highly over-rated. It always seems to work out in the end. We keep remembering you in our prayers.

Mary said...

it's going to be an extremely long summer.

Anonymous said...

Well thank goodness for things that aren't the last - like your birthday, for instance! Is this the 49th? Only 50 or so to go...
xoxox Peter