CS Lewis Quotes

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A pretty good day....

While yesterday started out kind of rough (bad headache + busy day) it turned out to be a pretty good day. First of all, I got all my chores done: bank, grocery store (x 2, I can never get everything I need at just 1 store!), scout shop, library, car to the shop, running kids everywhere. Second of all, I got mail!! I love getting mail! I mean, I get mail almost everyday, but it's usually bills, occasionally a magazine, (the only magazines I get are scout related!), but yesterday I got ME mail. A birthday card from my SIL (sister-in-law) Barb, totally unexpected as she has never sent me one before, what a nice surprise! A birthday package from my sister, (two rubber spatulas, an oven mitt, and a pot holder from William Sonoma!), Thanks, Kati!! And a book that I had ordered for my dad for Father's Day. (Shhh, don't tell, Jude!) I was expecting the book, just not quite so soon, so that was exciting, and I love it! I think my Dad will love it, too. I'd say more, but Peter (my brother) and Jude are just not that good at keeping secrets, so it will have to wait until after Father's Day. To end off the day, I got to spend an hour at the pool with Peter, Sirius, Sabian, and Joe. The boys played while Joe and I got to just sit and talk. It was nice to have some down time together. Life is so busy that we rarely have time to relax together. All in all, a pretty good day.


Jenna said...

Wow! Talk about annihilating a to-do list! (yeah! spell-check!) I am glad you got packages. Don't you just LOVE the mail-person some days?

And I'm glad you got to go chill at the pool. Happy days!

diane said...

This is Diane Olsen Naylor. I found you through my friend Alisa's blog. It's a small blog world! I'm thinking about our trip to Chicago, Elton John and cinnamon toast at your house. All fond memories.
I'm enjoying catching up with you.