CS Lewis Quotes

Friday, January 30, 2009


I love technology. (Even though I am severely technologically challenged) I can barely turn on my computer. Yet, I have 3 e-mail accounts (I only use one) ,a Facebook account, a Twitter that I rarely update, 4 Yahoo groups, and a Flickr account. I guess you could say that I am 'accountable' for the time I spend on the computer!?

I started out, a long time ago, in a city far away, with just one, simple e-mail account. It was a way to keep in touch with those far away, and since I'm lousy at writing letters it seemed like a good solution. Besides, I'm into instant gratification, and letters take W-A-Y too long to get where they're going! And then you have to wait and wonder if anyone is EVER going to write back!

Now, I play scrabble with my friends, do genealogy, write letters, create fabulous Eagle Scout Project books (think: scrapbooking), e-mail friends far and near, check school schedules, blog, organize pictures, shop for Christmas and birthday gifts, and most recently.....chat.

I'd never 'chatted' before with one of my friends, when, just the other day, I was on the computer checking my Facebook (wow, I either sound really dorky, or really cool, I can't tell which!) when up popped a message from a friend far away. She happened to be on the computer at a ridiculously early hour as well (no doubt trying to get in some computer time before the kids took over for the day, like me) We hadn't talked in months, and we spend about 10 minutes just 'chatting' and catching up. It was so nice. Then our respective children needed attention, so we said goodbye and signed off.

I think I might like this new-fangled computer thing. It sure beats the pony-express.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This stuff still freaks me out a little. At work, we're currently doing new stuff on virtual desktops, using WebX for meetings, and Sharepoint to knock stuff around internally. I'm getting software anxiety. I don't know how to "write on your wall", twitter, or IM. Don't be insulted if I fail to respond.