CS Lewis Quotes

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A New Year........

I love the first day of a 'New Year'.

The days and months that will follow are still filled with possibilities and potential. I have not yet made any major parenting mistakes. I have yet to put my foot in my mouth. I haven't hurt anyone's feelings or neglected my church callings. The new year is still pristine and perfect, like new fallen snow.

I love to sit at the dawn of a new year and ponder. What changes will this new year bring? What adventures await? Surely there will be disappointments and sorrow. Those are to be expected. But just as sure will be the pure unadulterated moments of joy, love and happiness.

I try not to expect too much of a new year. I have expectations, to be sure, but I don't want to pressure the new year to be something it cannot ever be. As President Hinckley once said: "Do not set goals far beyond your capacity to achieve..."

So, what might some of our adventures be for this new year?

A move to Macon? Another Eagle Scout? Weddings? Funerals? New Callings? New friends?

Only time will tell. I only hope that I will have the strength to meet the challenges that come my way and that I will appreciate and recognize the blessings (they sometimes come in disguise, you know.) I hope that I can stay the course and help my children to do the same. I hope that I can renew aquaintances and deepen friendships. That I can hold tight to those people who uplift me, and let go of those who drag me down.

So.....to one and all.....happy new year, happy ponderings, happy comings and happy goings, happy days, happy nights.............and mostof all........happy life.


CArmbrus said...

Liz, This is the first time I've ever left a comment, I'm a little nervous and had to create an account... But I am so greatful to have access to your blogs and comments. It's like a chance to get to know you all over again and I realize how much I have missed you and having your family being close. Thanks for sharing! Carrie

Anonymous said...

I LOVE that there was no mention of resolutions. They've always proven to be (in my case) a reason for guilt from letting myself down. So here's to 2009 where my New Year's resolution is not to have any!

Jenna said...

My resolution is to not have any resolutions too. Of course, I would like to improve but haven't figured out how to set goals without setting myself up for disappointment & failure when I don't do what I said.

Wishing you & yours a happy new year!