CS Lewis Quotes

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Birthday!!

While today is Groundhog Day, and the world is focused on whether or not the groundhog will see his shadow (here in SC, he already has - 6 more weeks of winter for us!) at our house we are focused on this adorable boy......my grandson, Sabian.

Today is Sabian's birthday. He is now 4 years old. Just so you know, Sabian is awesome. He has such a sweet spirit. He is kind, loving and generous. If there were only one cookie left in all the world, he would give it to YOU. He is also snuggly, has a great sense of humor, and gives great back rubs.

Happy Birthday, Sabian!! I love you bunches and bunches!! I hope you have an awesome day!


Annemarie said...

Those eyes...!!!

diane said...

The birthday boy is a doll.

Alden is Adriene's son. Poor kid is having quite the adjustment period while Jordan is getting spoiled in Boise. Thank heavens for asthma and allergies...not really, but I do love that he is not far away.