CS Lewis Quotes

Monday, January 19, 2009


Have you ever been trying to get your house ready for company and you end up stuffing things in a bedroom because "nobody will be going in there anyway"? (ummm......me neither, but I've heard of people doing it!)

When I was small, my mother would tell me to make my bed, clean my room, wash behind my ears. I never understood any of this, since I was the only one who would be in my bed or in my room, and no one ever looked behind my ears to see if they were clean (except for my mother!)

Now that I am older, I have a better understanding of why to do those things. I feel more at peace when my bed is made, my room is clean and neat, and I know that there's nothing growing behind my ears.

As an adult, I am a big proponent of clean. I love clean. (you'll notice I didn't say I love TO clean, just that I love clean!) I love to relax in a freshly cleaned room. I love to be able to walk across a child's bedroom to tuck them in without endangering my life by stepping on legos, blocks, and hot wheels. But I think that some people go overboard with it. Some people spend their entire lives cleaning and forget to spend time living. I am NOT one of them. My home has that 'lived in' look. We definitely do more 'living' than cleaning.
Now.....back to that "room" that no one is ever going to see. No one. Not company. Not family. Not me. Not you. Okay, maybe the medical examiner when I'm dead. My point is......is it really neccessary to clean my colon???? There are all kinds of advertisements today for products to help you have a clean colon. WHAT!!?? First of all....how do you know that it's not clean? My colon may very well be sparkling clean for all you know! Second....if you do decide to clean your colon, how will you know that it worked? When I clean a bathroom mirror, I can see the results. Not so with colon cleanser. Third....if I let you get away with making me think I need to clean my colon.....where will the madness stop? Will the next product on the market be 'sparkling spleen'?

Let's not get carried away here, people.


Jenna said...

I must mention that my aunt used to run Poop Camps in Hawaii. People drink a bad potion to clean out their innards & then sit on bucket/toilets & let the last five years of residue drain out of their body. Lovely, eh? You know what? I never signed up to go even though I could have had the Family Rate. I guess people who worked in really toxic environments (house painters, etc.) would have shiny oil slicks. Perfect dinner conversation, isn't it?

Jenna said...

And if you don't want to publish my comment, you don't have to. I just that that I should let you know where I came from.

Annemarie said...

I'm laughing sooooo hard I don't even have a decent comment!!!

Anonymous said...

Katie Couric would know...

diane said...

I got my colon cleaned before my colonoscopy a few months ago. Holy crap! It is sick. I won't do that again until I'm 50. I've got 3 years to really mess up my colon yipee!