CS Lewis Quotes

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Wrestling and Homework....

I may have mentioned in a previous post how much I despise wrestling. And how fond of wrestling my youngest son is. Interestingly enough, we have kind of reversed our positions.

Let me explain.....

For Peter, wrestling seems to have lost some of it's appeal. He is no longer quite so gung ho about it. It's not turning out the way he thought it would. It's a LOT more work than he anticipated, and not quite so much fun. He has NO TIME in his life for anyone or anything other than wrestling, including on the weekends. And if anything can be said about Peter, it is that he is multi-faceted. It is virtually impossible for him to be involved in just one thing. He has to be involved in lots of things in order to be happy. That said, I think he's kind of waiting for me to pull him out of wrestling as he refuses to quit. While I am impressed by his integrity for not wanting to quit, I'm not quite ready to pull him out......

Don't get me wrong...I am still not cool with having my son thrown down on the mat, and definitely still not fond of him coming home each night with new cuts and bruises (though that is happening less and less.) However......the coach has recently put a new policy into place. While practice will still run from 4-7 each night, the first hour will be devoted to studying. That's right, a coach enforced study hall!! Apparently, grades are important at school. Who knew?? It's not just about sports!! I'm so excited by this prospect I can hardly stand it!! Someone other than me helping Peter do homework!!

(I may also have mentioned in a previous post something about leading a horse to water. In that post, I suggested that perhaps if another person led a horse to water, maybe said horse would drink......maybe the wrestling coach is that person. Maybe the horse will finally learn to drink the water. Maybe the coach can MAKE the horse drink.)

So, for now, I'll wait. I may still pull him out, but first I'm going to wait a couple of weeks and see how this homework thing works out.


Polly said...

I love the idea of that also. Peter sounds like one of my kids. Anxious to be involved as long as it is all fun. My kids would definitely quit though as soon as they realized pain was involved.

Annemarie said...

That coach is brilliant. Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

The coach may be the one to pull him out of wrestling after having to wrestle Peter over homework!

diane said...

Oh yes, their is a lot to learn from follow through. Good job Liz, coach and go Peter.

Athletes have to keep their GPA up to be eligible to play. I applaud these efforts. Then he can go to college and help you in your search for an empty nest.