CS Lewis Quotes

Monday, February 9, 2009

With friends like that............

Do you ever wonder who your true friends are? Me, too. And isn't it sad sometimes when you find out that those people that you have considered friends really aren't?

I had an experience not too long ago that brought home to me a suspicion that I've had for a while now.......this person is not really my friend.

It's sad, because I really thought they might be. And as hard as it is for me to open my heart to someone and let them inside my heart and my head and my life, it's disappointing to know that I've once again opened myself up to someone who didn't deserve it, someone who just doesn't care.

Oh, well. Another life lesson learned.


Annemarie said...

I'm sorry. That is an awful thing to find out.

Anonymous said...

Ouch. I hate when that happens. Solution? Let no one in. Or just not too deep.

Jessica said...

I remember thinking (when I was a teenager)that women my mom's age would never have this kind of drama.

Don't you wish that were true?!

diane said...

Good for you for drawing the line and ending a toxic relationship. I wish we could go to lunch.