CS Lewis Quotes

Friday, February 27, 2009

LOST!! (parking lot edition)

So, when I came out of Walmart the other day I saw this woman wandering around the parking lot.

She strode confidently down the same row that I was parked in, then suddenly stopped, looked around, and realized that she had no idea where she had parked. She stood there for a minute, then nodded to herself and strode confidently over to the next row. She was back about 20 seconds later looking more confused than ever.

I rolled my window down and asked her if she would like a ride around the parking lot, assuring her that the same thing has happened to me, and that my 'Spiderman' Antenna ball is the only thing that lets me know when I've gotten the right car! She basically said thanks, but no thanks, then said that she now remembered where she had parked and strode off confidently in the other direction.

As I pulled out, she was slowly and sheepishly walking back to the original row and looking ever more lost and confused.

I wonder if she's still there.


Jenna said...

One day I frantically drove my friend to the Seattle airport with her baby. We were running late & she needed help getting the baby, the bags, & everything else to the gate (pre-9/11). When I walked calmly back out to the mega-leveled parking garage, I realized I had no idea whatsoever where my car was parked. I wandered the rows & floors for about an hour before I finally found my car.

Hopefully that lady has found her car.

Annemarie said...

I can just picture her wandering aimlessly around that parking lot...still.
That is funny!