This could SO be me. I forget everything!! (Okay, maybe not
everything, but I do forget a lot of stuff!)
I was at the movie rental store the other day. I was looking over the vast selection when I came across the movie "The Bucket List". As I was looking at it, I had this conversation with myself: 'Oh, yeah, there's "The Bucket List", I wanted to see that one. Wait a minute........DID I see that one?? I think we may have rented that one already. Did I like it? Hmmmm, let me think.........'
I finally decided that we had rented it a couple of months back, but I couldn't remember if I had liked it or loathed it. I was hard pressed to even remember bits and pieces of the plot.
I'm like that with books, too. I have read all 7 Harry Potter books, yet when my friend called my a couple of weeks ago to tell me that she had just finished book 6 (she's a very busy lady!), then exclaimed, "Can you believe that ending!!". I had to pretend that I remembered the ending and exclaim along with her, "I know, I couldn't believe it either!", when in reality, I had no idea what she was talking about. I do know that I like the HP books, I just can't tell you what happens in any of them. I remember Harry, Hermoine, and Ron go to Hogwarts. Mayhem ensues. That's about it.
Usually, this isn't a problem. I try to remember the important stuff like dentist appointments and teacher meetings. I remember kids birthdays, and (the big) holidays. I tend to forget that my visiting teacher's are coming over (very important!) until they ring the doorbell and I look around at the mess in my living room. I forget that Mary has to be at school on Tuesday nights and that I agreed to make cookies for a ward activity.
The good news is that when I watch a movie with my kids that I've seen before, I can't tell them how it ended or even what part is coming up next. Case in point: Mary was watching 'Apollo 13' not too long ago. It was late and she wanted to go to bed so she came upstairs and asked me, "Mom, what happens at the end, do they all die?" My reply, "yes, Mary, they all die, just go to bed." (Okay, so maybe I remembered a little bit about that one, but it was late, and she did need to go to bed. So if she ever asks you about the really sad ending of that movie, just play along, okay?)
The bad news is that if there happens to be an inappropriate scene in a movie that I've already seen, I've forgotten that, too, and when it comes up I'm stuck saying, 'Oh, I forgot about THAT part! We really shouldn't even be watching this movie!'
I forget why I went upstairs. I forget that I have ground beef browning in the kitchen. I forget to rotate the laundry. I forget what I need at the store. I have even forgotten to pick kids up from school, (though I will deny that one should you bring it up and claim that I got stuck in traffic).
I guess with all this forgetting, I should go easier on my kid who forgets to make his bed, or do his homework, or unload the dishwasher, or take out the trash, or give me that important phone message. And when I say to them, 'How many times do I have to tell you to..........(whatever)' I should think about how many times I've been told. Told to get my food storage, or do my visiting teaching, or read my scriptures, or magnify my calling.
So if I have something important to do, it's best if I write it down. Really, if it's not written down it doesn't have a chance of getting done. Because I know this about myself, I tend to make a lot of lists. I lay in bed at night with the light going off, then on, then off again, then on again, as I think about things to write on my list for the next day. Which reminds me......I have quite a list of things 'to do' for today. So I guess I'd better stop blogging and get moving.
If only I could remember where I put that list!