CS Lewis Quotes

Thursday, October 9, 2008

10 Things Tag......

I've been tagged by Annemarie to do this '10 things I can't live without' blog.....so here you go.... (please note: these are in no particular order, so I don't want to hear about what YOU think I should have listed first!))

1. My first thing is Prayer. No, really! I first saw this quote at Girl's Camp a couple of years ago, and I just love it! It is SO true!! If I don't start my day with prayer NOTHING goes right. Prayer is my prozac. It keeps me sane.

2. Blogging. It started out as just a fun little thing to do and has quickly become very therapeutic. I can tell anyone who cares (and probably some who don't!) about my kids, my worries, my joys, my sorrows, my frustrations, and anything else that comes to mind. And it's SO much cheaper than therapy! Not to mention the great advice and input I get from friends and strangers!

3. Ibuprofen. Yes, ibuprofen. I get these headaches....they render me useless. Ibuprofen makes me functional again. I love my ibuprofen.

4. NCIS. My break from reality. My 1 hour of the week when I can sit back, relax, and just be entertained.

5. My husband and my kids. (and grandkids) Yes, they make me crazy sometimes, but I don't know what I'd do without them!

6. My brother, Peter. He is my best friend. We've weathered many storms together. I would be lost without him.

7. Take 5 Candy Bar!! It has pretzels, caramel, peanuts, peanut butter, and chocolate! What more could you ask from a candy bar!! They are my most recent candy addiction.

8. My jeans. They are a staple of my vast (HA!!) wardrobe. They are the required uniform for my job of motherhood. What else can you that will take whatever the kids dish out? I love my jeans!

9. Sleep. Essential to my survival. And if I don't get enough at night I've been known to make up for it after lunch. Just call it a 'siesta' and pretend you're in Mexico!

10. My computer. It is my lifeline to the world. (I don't get out much!) I can check my e-mail, my blog, my bank account, your blog, watch General Conference, movies, and do countless other things. It really is an amazing thing.

So, there you go. More information about me than you ever cared to have. I am tagging NOBODY as they are all still mad at me for the last time I tried to play tag with them. If anyone wants to play, please do, but don't feel obligated because of me!


diane said...

"Prayer is my Prozac"...that is the best quote ever.

Love your family picture. That picture of you reminds me of your mom.

Take 5, jeans and sleep...I'm with you!

Annemarie said...

YAY!! I'm glad you did it!! Let me just say that I HATE getting tagged. Hate it. This one was fun, though.

I'm with you on the ibuprofen!

Jenna said...

Fun - learned lots. Love the family portrait.

heather said...

Oh! I like this. I think I'll have to copy it sometime soon. Thanks for being the sole commenter on my guest post. Sucks, huh. :) You are welcome to lurk over at my place anytime -and even more welcome to comment. Since I wrote that I have stated commenting like crazy! I figure if I live for comments, other people probably are too.

The Family Rasheed said...

OOOOHHHH, I LOVE Take 5 bars!!!! Seriously those little gems curb eery caandy craving all in one bar!!!