CS Lewis Quotes

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom Not My Own.......

Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.
--Benjamin Franklin

I've been going to bed by 9:30 and getting up around 4:30 every morning........

It's not working...........


Jenna said...

You seem HW&w TO ME.

diane said...

I wish I was as wise as you. I stay up too late then sleep in.

Anonymous said...

THAT IS BECAUE IT IS A LIE!!! Give yourself a break and sleep in once and awhile. you will be very surprised at how good you feel; and will get stuff done too; and Be proud of the little accomplishments! even if you are the only one to notice or care! YOU still accomplished it!
xoxo j

Susan said...

Midnight and 8 is more my style. Or maybe 2 am and 10 am. =) My biorhythm can't do that Franklin stuff. If I worked on a farm, following a plow all day . . . maybe. Once I retired, I swore I'd never watch another sunrise - and I haven't! What makes it so much better than a sunset, I'd like to know!