CS Lewis Quotes

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

A Veteran's Day Thank You.......

On Veteran's Day................

Thanks, Dad......and thanks to your dad, too. And your brothers.

Thanks, Joe. And your dad. And your brother. And your sisters.

Thank you.....to all who have served. And all who currently serve.

Thanks for the time and effort and sacrifice on behalf of our country.

Thanks for keeping us safe. For giving us peace.

Thanks for giving all that you have for Flag, Family, and Freedom.

And thank you to those left here at home. Holding down the fort. Raising the kids. Paying the bills.

We may not like the war. But we love those who serve. So today, let's give thanks. Let's stand proud and fly our flags and rejoice in the freedoms that we have because of those who have given so much. Today.....let's remember.


Jenna said...

... dramatic pause while my comment is eaten.

A few years ago Scott & I were in Vancouver, British Columbia for their Veteran's Day (also in November if I remember correctly). We were just wandering around town when we happened upon a Veteran's Day ceremony. Time stood still as these vets proudly stood & were honored. There was a multi-gun salute & then a fly-by by jets. It was so patriotic. We just stood & cried. Also, we felt sad that in the US it seems that we barely give Veteran's Day a passing thought.

Thank you for remembering & paying tribute to these brave men & women.

calibosmom said...

I love Vets! I get teary-eyed when I see one in a uniform. Happy Veterens Day!

diane said...

Living in a military town, we have many friends who are serving our country. These families sacrifice so much for us.
What a beautiful tribute.

Rebecca Irvine said...

Well said! Veterans deserve all the thanks and praise we can give.