CS Lewis Quotes

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do you 'Twitter'?

My daughter, Mary, is a Twitter maniac. (For those of you who don't know 'twitter', get with the program and click here.) Twitter is for those of you/us who don't always have time to write an entire blog but still want to give people a quick update on what's going on in your life. You get 140 characters to write your 'twitter'.

Mary has reached a milestone on her 'twitter'. As of Monday night she has posted 1,000 twitter updates. Yes, you read that right, ONE THOUSAND twitter updates.

Now, let's say that each twitter takes 1 minute to do.........that means that Mary has 'twittered' away 1,000 minutes of her life. That translates to more than 16 hours of 'twitter'. This would be a conservative estimate as she would first have to sign on to twitter, then decide what to twitter, then make it fit into 140 characters. Some take less time, some more, but you get the idea.

So, I thought maybe I would poll my faithful followers (yes, all three of you!) as well as any lurkers that may, or may not, be out there. I will list some alternate activities for Mary, and after the polls close (maybe after the first 5 votes or so) I will present my findings to Mary and encourage her to spend some of her valuable time doing something other than twittering. Here goes:

A) Get a job

B) Do your homework

C) Make cookies

D) Take out the trash

E) Forget it, Mary, keep on Twittering, we love it!!

Remember, vote early and vote often!! Feel free to add your own suggestions. I will report the results on a future blog.


Jenna said...

OK, your comment form ate my clever first line again!!!

Mary... I vote for ABCD&E.

Keep twittering - very fun!

Mary said...

I vote for E!!! Of course!

diane said...

I vote C and then send them to me please!

Susan said...

For Mary, I vote for homework. For me, I vote for cookies! LOL!