CS Lewis Quotes

Monday, June 8, 2009

Diabolical Plan - Part 1..............

Remember my concern about keeping my kids busy this summer?

I think I've got an idea.

Last week Jacob and Peter spent the entire week working on the yard. Their dad offered them an undisclosed amount of money to rake, weed, and mulch the 'natural area' in our backyard. It's a pretty big area and it needed LOTS of work. It kept them outside and busy most of the week. And they did a great job, too.

My plan for this week is even better. I signed up the four still at home (Jacob, Mary, Sam and Peter) to help out with Cub Scout Day Camp. They will spend the week serving as Den Leaders and Den Chiefs for a bunch of cub scouts. They will be gone every day from 8 until about 4:30.

I figure that if they can't find paying jobs, then I will find non-paying jobs for them. The next week, Mary will be volunteering at our church Girl's Camp for the week (that one is a sleepover camp!) And I may just send Jacob to Boy Scout camp in July if he is still unemployed. If this doesn't make them want to get 'real' jobs, I don't know what will!!

I wonder what other organizations need help this summer........


Jenna said...

You are one SMART cookie!!!

Annemarie said...

Genius. Pure genius!

diane said...

Your brilliance will not go unnoticed. If you kick their cans hard enough the door won't hurt so much when it hits their backsides.

The word verification is lizeds as in Liz eds the kids out the door.

Cub camp is sheer torture in my book.

Write2ignite said...

Diabolical? NAY!
Brilliant, I say.