CS Lewis Quotes

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom Not My Own.....

"As you seek new opportunity, keep in mind that the sun does not usually reappear on the horizon where last seen."
--Robert Brault

I have to admit that I have trouble with this one. I tend to look back with fondness and longing at opportunities and experiences past.

Forgetting sometimes that new adventures lay ahead. Forgetting that the much loved times gone by were once new and frightening as well.

I hesitate to step out of my comfort zone. I cling to the past, having to be dragged into the future as a child has to be peeled off of a parent on the first day of school.

Thanks, rb, for the reminder. A reminder that adventure awaits ahead and all that's left behind me are memories.


Robert Brault said...


What thought does not seem wise when juxtaposed with a radiant sunset!

But while the sun does not reappear on the horizon where last seen, it returns faithfully and inevitably to that horizon. We find new opportunity in the sunrise, but our fulfillment lies in the sunset. Ah, so many images, so little time!


Travelin'Oma said...

What an interesting observation. It reminds me I need to look in all directions for opportunities, and remember that a sunset doesn't look like anything important or exciting at 10: am. But with a little time it's beauty is unique and surprisingly new each day.