CS Lewis Quotes

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Reality Television......

I don't watch reality TV. I'm not judging anyone who does, I'm just not into it. I watched the first couple of seasons of Survivor, but then it got old. I run across some shows when I'm flipping channels so I'm familiar with some of them.

Jon and Kate? Yeah, I've heard of them. I know they have 8 children. I know that they have announced a separation and possible divorce. Not that anyone cares, but here's what I think......

Sorry, Jon and Kate. You don't get to separate. You don't get to get divorced. You have no right to. Instead, you have obligations. You have 8 children that you chose to bring into this world. None of your problems are their fault. They should not have to pay the price for your stupidity. They deserve to be raise by both parents in a stable home.

I don't care about your personal happiness. I think you need to man up, honor your vows, renew your commitment to one another and raise your family. And I think you need to do it in private. I hope that you've set aside some of the millions that you've earned by parading your clan in front of the public. Now close the door, say goodbye to your adoring fans, and try actually being parents instead of actors. Your "fans" may be sad to see you go, but you owe infinitely more to your children than you do to your adoring public.

I know that it will be hard to live day-to-day without the cameras recording your every move for posterity. Without all the fan mail and millions of $$ rolling in. And how will you get by without the network paying for your vacations? But, maybe your family time will mean more when it's actually family time and not prime time.

Now cut your losses, and go be a family.


Jenna said...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-men sistah! I could not have said it any better. I agree.

MARCIE said...

Well said Liz!