CS Lewis Quotes

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Virtual Worlds...

I don't get the whole 'virtual world' of gaming that's going on today. Maybe it's because I'm getting older, though some of my 'old' friends seem to be getting into the game.

I had an invitaion on Facebook the other day to join in a game called "Yoville". It sounded a little like Dr. Suess to me, but I thought that if my friends are playing, maybe it would be fun. I was wrong!

So far, I have learned very little about how to play. I have created a character, and now I spend my time either in my virtual apartment, or I go to work.

I don't know how to interact with people on the game.
I haven't figured out how to decorate my apartment.

I can't even sit on my own couch!

My friends send me 'messages' that say nothing but 'cc'. After 15 or 20 of those, I messaged someone back and asked what it meant. "Coin Collecting" was the cryptic reply. Apparently, you get coins for messaging, but why not a real message? Why not, "Hi, how's it going?"

My virtual world has a gym.....I don't go to the gym in the real world, what makes you think I'm going to use a virtual gym?

My virtual world has a coffee shop.....I don't drink coffee. Why would I want a virtual latte?

My virtual world has a factory......all I do is punch a timeclock and I get credit for working......I know it doesn't work like that in the real world!

I know people who spend hours every day in their virtual worlds. They make virtual friends and have virtual fun. They build virtual lives in a computer world. It just makes no sense to me. I like to interact with real people and go real places. I do like games, just not virtual ones.

Monopoly anyone? I call dibs on the Top Hat!


Jenna said...

What about the Settlers of Cattan? Blue is my lucky color.

The Family Rasheed said...

Ditto!!! I get the car!!!