CS Lewis Quotes

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What if the horse is an 'aquaphobic'???

Random Thoughts on:

"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."

What if you know that he's thirsty?

Do you suppose he's holding out for kool-aid?

Will the horse drink if someone else leads him?

Does the horse know something I don't?

After leading said horse to said water multiple times without result, I am ready to do one of three things: shoot the horse.....turn him into glue.....put him out to pasture. I really am at my wits end with this horse. Any and all advice will be appreciated as I am about ready to be fitted for a straight jacket. Be sure to come and visit me down at the funny farm!

(FYI: Horse=kid, Water=Homework)


diane said...

Get a tutor. I hired an older kid to tutor mine. Worth every penny.

Annemarie said...

Ok, please figure this out and pass your wisdom along to me. My "horse" is my five year old. His "water" is NAUGHTY. HELP!

Your prize is on the way and HOPEFULLY will get there by Friday...if not, it will be kind of lame and you can enjoy it next year!

Mary said...

Please don't shoot me.