CS Lewis Quotes

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Virtual Friends.....

So, my husband and two of my boys were at a church meeting tonight. Jacob (having had surgery on his collarbone yesterday) was sleeping, and Mary was playing video games. It was a nice peaceful evening, the computer was available, so I decided to catch up on some blog reading.

I was in the middle of this blog, when my husband and boys walked in from their meeting. My husband looks at the blog and says: "So, who's that?" To which I replied, "Um...... well..... I don't actually know her, but her name is Celia and she has 4 kids (I named them all) and this is her husband, Carl. But it's okay for me to read her blog because she's the friend of a friend so she's kind of my friend too!"

It sounded lame, even as I said it. Joe just shook his head and walked away. I shouted after him..."It's okay to have 'virtual friends', you know! It's not like I don't have any 'real life' friends!"

So, now I've decided that I need to come up with cover stories for all those blogs I read. For instance....Celia and I have been best friends since college (never mind that Celia was probably 8 year old when I was in college!) I could say something like "Oh, come on honey, don't tell me that you don't remember Celia! She was in our Business Law class!"

Other 'virtual friends' could be:
--'an old friend from high school'
--'she was in my ward growing up'
--'I met her when I served at Girl's Camp that one year'
--'oh, her? She in the other ward'
--'my mom's cousin's daughter'

You can see that I obviously need help here.....

.......your assignment??

Plausible cover stories. I'll be waiting.


diane said...

Just tell him that you are in the blogging mafia and you can't tell him or you'll have to kill him.

Works for me.

Liz said...

Thanks, Diane! I love it!

Jenna said...

You could just say, "It's somebody that Jenna (or Diane or ...) knows..."

Travelin'Oma said...

Blogging is service. You're in the service of your fellow women.