CS Lewis Quotes

Monday, March 16, 2009


I mentioned a month or so ago that Jacob had gone out to Utah.

He had trouble finding a job and missed his family (at least that's my story) so he came home again about 10 days ago.

Because Jacob knows how bored I am on the weekends (remember Peter's accident two weeks ago?) he took pity on me last Friday (the 13th!!) and broke his collarbone. That's just the kind of guy he is.....always thinking of others. 'Hmm...mom might be bored this weekend....what can I do to liven things up? I know, maybe if I break a bone!!' Here is his x-ray for your viewing pleasure....

So, now I have two broken boys. Peter was back at the Doc last Wednesday, and things are looking good enough with his leg that they put a cast on. The doc is still not sure that he won't need surgery, but for now, it looks like he might be okay. He will still need a cast for 4-6 weeks, but that's loads better than the surgery option where recovery can take months.

Back to Jacob.....He went snowboarding with a friend on Friday up in N.C. I reminded him as he walked out the door that he has no health insurance and to be careful (I know, I know....it's all my fault!!) He called me about 2 in the afternoon, FROM THE HOSPITAL, to let me know. (My theory has always been that if my kid is capable of calling me after an accident, that's good news. Much better than a stranger calling me to tell me about it.) Luckily, he had a friend with him who was able to stay with him at the hospital and deliver him home after he was released. As you can see from the x-ray, he did a good job breaking the collarbone. His shoulder is hurting, too, as is his knee, but hopefully those will be okay. Apparently, they don't do much for broken collarbones. He has a sling, but that's about it. He should be okay in 4-5 weeks.

Do you think I should take up a collection at the grocery store to help pay his ER bill?


diane said...

Oh no! When it rains it pours...or snows and then you slip and break your collarbone.

I'm glad your kid doesn't need orthopedic surgery on his leg.

You could totally collect for his bill. He could sit on the corner with a sign that says will work for food. With a sling on people would totally give him cash.

The Family Rasheed said...

This is giving me flashbacks of when I broke my arm! Well I guess Sam is the only one left. You better wrap him in bubble wrap for a while!!!! Donations sound good to me. You can call it the broken bone fund!!!!