CS Lewis Quotes

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Inauguration....Loved it and Loathed it

Okay, I wrote Wednesday's post before the inauguration. So here is an update....

I loved.....
--Aretha....she was a nice touch, and she certainly made the song her own.
--Opening prayer...l-o-n-g winded, but nice.
--Yo-Yo Ma and others....very cool!
--I also loved the energy of those gathered there. It truly was history in the making, even though I didn't vote for the guy.
--Watching his daughters. Those two are way cute. I hope they come away from this experience unscathed.
--Okay....I'll say it....I even enjoyed his speech. I love that he wrote it himself, didn't use notes, and his delivery was great. I may not have voted for him, and I definitely don't agree with a LOT of his ideas/policies, but he is a dynamic speaker. I just hope he can deliver.

I Loathed:

--Closing prayer...anytime someone takes the stand to give a prayer and has notes?? you know you are in trouble. It was way too self-serving to be considered a real prayer.

All in all, I still think we're in for an interesting ride. He has high hopes, but I am fairly cynical by nature. I'm not sure he knows what he's really up against. He's young, and ambitious, but also naive and inexperienced. I am encouraged that he considers himself to be a Christian and believes in the power of prayer. I know that I will be praying for God to guide his choices and actions. I hope that you do the same.

1 comment:

diane said...

I liked the opening prayer choice. He is very conservative and was quite vocal in supporting traditional marriage.

I think Obama is a good man. At least, he's not evil like the Clintons. I too will pray for our new President and his family. Keep your fingers crossed.