CS Lewis Quotes

Monday, December 22, 2008

Eagle Scout!!

It's official.....Sam is an Eagle Scout!

We had been waiting around for his paperwork to make it's way through the red tape of the council office when we got a phone call Thursday afternoon. It was Sam's Scoutmaster saying that he had just gotten an e-mail from the council guy wanting to know if we could do the Board of Review (BOR) that evening!! So we spent a frantic afternoon putting together 3 extra copies of his project (each board member wanted their own to look at) and getting the last couple of Merit Badge patches glued on to his sash.

It was an anxious time for me as I waited for Sam. (I was not allowed in the room during the BOR.) Then more anxious as Sam and I waited together while the Board deliberated his fate. Then they called us in and congratulated Sam on earning the rank of Eagle Scout. He grinned ear to ear, I almost cried (tears of both joy and relief), they read us a nice poem about being an Eagle, signed his book and sent us on our way. Now we just need to wait for Peter to be finished and we'll schedule a Court of Honor for the two of them.

Sam's project was Bat Houses. We live in a neighborhood with several bat colonies. The bats were nesting in people's homes/attics, and other undesirable places, so Sam built and installed 10 Bat Houses around the neighborhood. They were occupied almost immedietely. It was a really fun (but l-o-n-g drawn out) process.

So, congratulations, Sam!! I can't wait to see what you accomplish next!!


diane said...

That is the perfect Christmas present.


Julia Roberts said...

Congratulations, Sam!!!! What a GREAT accomplishment. I wish we could be there for the court of honor. That will be a wonderful day. :)